Friday, March 11, 2011

A Tsunami of our Own

Sad news today of the Earth Quake that sparked a 40' Tsunami in Japan.  Thoughts an prayers are with them.  As I think of the damage that lies behind, I can't help but parallel it to autism.  After reading 2 articles this morning about pending cuts in services in various states and existing programs that are flooded with incoming individuals, I can't help but think of the Tsunami that lies ahead.  We have all heard the numbers......1:150, now 1:110.......1:64 boys.....etc.  As devastating as these numbers are, I don't think we've seen anything yet.  The question I have been asking is what is going to happen to these children when they turn 18? This is the tsunami that is going to hit our country.  God knows Medicaid and Social Security may not even exist by then.  How are parents going to care for these children and their growing needs?  Especially the ones that can't live at home, which is many parents fear as they age and their child gets older/stronger. They have got to get to the bottom of what is happening to our children.  What is happening to this generation of children (primarily boys?)  In no way can this strictly be attributed to better diagnosis or genetics alone.  The numbers just don't add up.  In one of those articles it said that the average cost to care for an autistic individual throughout their lifespan is $3.2 million!  YIKES!  If our government doesn't start addressing the earthquake that is going on right now, the tsunami to come will wipe us out.

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